Tickets & FAQs

Rhino Charge Tickets

From 2015 onwards, anyone who wants to come to the Rhino Charge has to purchase a ticket which is a donation towards the community project fund for the local community. This has become necessary due to the growing popularity of the event which has put the host communities and their land under increasing environmental pressure. By introducing a ticketing system, the organisers aim to make the Spectator Camp more attractive to responsible spectators by improving the spectators’ experience, their comfort and security as well as improve the administration of the event. The new measures have also been put in place to ensure the environmental friendliness and sustainability of the event.

Please do NOT attempt to come to the venue if you have not made your purchase through the Rhino Charge Ticketing Portal. 
Strictly no exceptions!

Rhino Charge FAQs

About the Rhino Charge

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Rhino Ark is a charitable trust registered as a Charity in Kenya, UK (Charity No. 1047083) and the USA (with IRC 501 (c) 3 Status). Founded in 1988 the trust responded to the grave crisis facing Kenya’s Black Rhino population in the Aberdare ecosystem. The Rhino was under severe threat from rampant poaching for their highly-valued horn. Rhino Ark’s initial aim was to build a fence along sections of the Aberdare National Park on its Eastern Salient where the rhino was being mercilessly poached. The Salient borders directly onto farming land. Wildlife was able to maraud at night into the farms bordering the park, destroying crops, creating fear and loss of both revenue and on occasions, lives. This situation fuelled an already volatile community which saw no value in protecting either the wildlife or the forest habitat. Poachers had easy access.

Rhino Ark’s formation was specifically to assist the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to finance a protective fence around the Salient area which has the highest concentration of wildlife in the Aberdares. The initial project idea subsequently evolved into a much more ambitious task of encircling the entire Aberdare Conservation Area with a game proof fence. The fence, strong enough to resist elephant pressure, is powered by electricity to keep wildlife within and curb illegal log extraction, snaring, poaching of wildlife (especially rhino and the rare and elusive bongo) from without. The fence construction work started in 1989 and completed on 28 August 2009. On 12 March 2010, the fence was formally commissioned by the former President of the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Mwai Kibaki.

Construction of the fence has brought harmony between wildlife and farmers around the Aberdare Conservation Area. The farmers now enjoy a peaceful sleep at night without fear of land, crop and house destruction. Over the years, Rhino Ark’s work has evolved towards seeking sustainable, long term solutions to the conservation challenges facing mountain forest ecosystems, and other areas of important biodiversity under threat.

In December 2010, Rhino Ark announced its formal commitment to supporting the conservation of other mountain forest ecosystems. The initial areas of focus are Mount Kenya and Mau Mount Eburu.

For more information on the Rhino Ark Kenya Charitable Trust please visit:

The Rhino Charge is an annual off-road competition held in Kenya in which the entrants are required to visit 13 points (Checkpoints) while travelling the shortest possible distance across difficult, trackless terrain, where speed is not a necessity. The event is organised in order to raise funds for the conservation activities of the Rhino Ark Kenya Charitable Trust.

The event was conceived in 1989 to raise funds for the construction of the Aberdare Electric Fence. Rhino Ark founder Ken Kuhle, Rally Enthusiasts Rob Combes and Brian Haworth mooted the idea of an off-road event to support the fencing project carried out by the then recently established Rhino Ark Charitable Trust. The Trust was committed to saving the dwindling Rhino population in the Aberdare National Park, as well as mitigating human-wildlife conflicts around the National Park. 

The venue for the Rhino Charge is kept secret until a few days before the event. Only email addresses that have registered through the online ticketing portal will receive the details of this year’s venue.

Each competition car (of which there are a maximum of 65) raises money, they have to raise a minimum amount to take part in the event – this money is donated to Rhino Ark

A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the rightful landowners/management with landowner agreement and Rhino Charge officials, a copy of which can be availed on request. It is also necessary to attach to this MoU a copy of the conservancy/community minutes of a meeting confirming the agreement to hold the event which must be attended and recorded by all interested parties.

The donations which are raised for the community come through vehicle and entry passes. Every vehicle which enters the event must have purchased a vehicle pass and they are given a sticker as proof that they have donated. Payment is made through the online booking system using either MPESA or CARD. The visitors bring their voucher number and present that on arrival and in exchange are given a sticker which they must display on the windscreen of the vehicle.

The rates per vehicle are:

  • KES 12,000/- for vehicles with 6 or less seats
  • KES 15,000/- for vehicles with 7 or more seats as well as any trucks

The total amount donated will depend on the number of vehicles which come to the event, so the amounts cannot be known for sure, but this is usually between KES 4,000,000/- and KES 4,500,000/-.

The conservancy board along with the community will need to have agreed on what the donations raised will be used for and declare this to Rhino Ark before the monies are disbursed. Rhino Ark / Charge ensures that these funds are used for activities which benefit the area or community at large rather than individuals.

The Rhino Charge is a nationally recognised event and receives wide local and international press coverage and exposure, this helps with exposure and awareness for the area and helps to promote tourism and recreational activities.

There is a competition speed limit of 40kph on the competing cars and they are penalised if they exceed this.

No, the idea is that the competition cars drive as little as possible on any roads and tracks.

Access to the Rhino Charge

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Spectator Camping at the Rhino Charge

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