The Rhino Charge is held in a different location each year and is organised in very close cooperation with the respective host community. Once a venue is identified by the Rhino Charge organisers (Course Design Subcommittee) and the host community has agreed to host the Rhino Charge on their land, the members of the host community form a local organising committee. This committee is made up of representatives of the Rhino Charge host community, with whom we work together very closely for the duration of the Rhino Charge preparations (6-8 months). This cooperation allows for an understanding and consideration of local circumstances, which are all part of the preparations and the organisation process. Without the local organising committee, no Rhino Charge would be possible, as it is their knowledge and support that allows us to hold a successful event, year after year.
During the preparations of each Rhino Charge the event organisers hire local workers to assist in setting up the venue infrastructure, hence provide income generating activities. This gives the host community a tremendous boost, as jobs and income generating activities are scarce in the remote areas in which the Rhino Charge takes place.
Furthermore, the Rhino Charge organisers have implemented a community project fund which is donated to by all the vehicles and people that enter the venue to benefit the local host communities. The money raised through these donations go directly to the community. The money is then used for community projects that benefit the community as a whole, such as the construction of school classrooms or the installation of boreholes.