Rhino Charge

Which accommodation options are available for the Rhino Charge?


Bunduz Budget

Bunduz Economy

Tarpo Luxury

Sharing a tent (self-drive)

KES 17,250/-

KES 20,250/-

KES 28,000/-

Single in a tent (self-drive)

KES 19,500/-

KES 22,250/-

KES 36,000/-

Family [4 pax tent] (self-drive)



KES 24,000/-

Sharing a tent (incl. transport)

KES 24,250/-

KES 27,000/-


Single in a tent (incl. transport)

KES 26,250/-

KES 29,850/-


Self-camping (self-drive)

KES 9,250/-

KES 9,250/-


All options listed above are rates per person, full board (excluding self-camping option), for a 2 night package. The accommodation rates are payable as follows:

0 – 5 years = free of charge
6 – 11 years = pay 75% of adult price
12 years and above = pay full price

Services included for the self-camping option are toilet (1 per 5 people) and shower facilities (1 per 5 people), garbage collection and communal security. For more information on the full board accommodation packages, please download the camp operator’s flyers by clicking below:

  1. Bunduz – Budget Option
  2. Bunduz – Economy Option
  3. Tarpo – Luxury Option

Any cancellations or refunds are done directly through the camp operator of your choice and yourself with the following refund policy applying to ALL accommodation bookings;

  • 100% refund if booking cancelled before or on the 31st March 2018;
  • 75% refund if booking cancelled on or after 1st April but before or on 15th April 2018;
  • 50% refund if booking cancelled on or after 16th April but before or on 30th April 2018;
  • 25% refund if booking cancelled on or after 1st May but before or on 15th May 2018;
  • No refund if booking cancelled on or after 16th May 2018;

Disclaimer: please note that the Rhino Charge does not assume any liability for timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided by the accredited camp operators. Furthermore, the Rhino Charge is not responsible for the content of external websites of the accredited camp operators. The Rhino Charge is not responsible for the quality of the tents, the food quality, or other services provided by the accredited camp operator. Further, the Rhino Charge does not accept any liability for failure to provide the services contracted or any of them due to circumstances beyond our control. 

To find out more, please visit the Accommodation page for a full list of options.

I am a camp operator. How can I become an accredited camp operator of the Rhino Charge?

The tendering process for the 2018 Rhino Charge is closed. To be added to the list for consideration as a camp operator in 2019 interested companies must express their interest to the Rhino Charge Committee via email: info@localhost

More information will then be sent to you via e-mail. Please note that the tender will be sent out newly each year, therefore camp operators can apply to become accredited camp operators each year.

What is Rhino Ark?

Rhino Ark is a charitable trust registered as a Charity in Kenya, UK (Charity No. 1047083) and USA (with IRC 501 (c) 3 Status). Founded in 1988 the trust responded to the grave crisis facing Kenya’s Black Rhino population in the Aberdare ecosystem. The Rhino were under severe threat from rampant poaching for their highly valued horn. Rhino Ark’s initial aim was to build a fence along sections of the Aberdare National Park on its Eastern Salient where rhino were being mercilessly poached. The Salient borders directly onto farming land. Wildlife was able to maraud at night into the farms bordering the park, destroying crops, creating fear and loss of both revenue and on occasions, lives. This situation fuelled an already volatile community which saw no value in protecting either the wildlife or the forest habitat. Poachers had easy access.

Rhino Ark’s formation was specifically to assist the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to finance a protective fence around the Salient area which has the highest concentration of wildlife in the Aberdares. The initial project idea subsequently evolved into a much more ambitious task of encircling the entire Aberdare Conservation Area with a game proof fence. The fence, strong enough to resist elephant pressure, is powered by electricity to keep wildlife within and curb illegal log extraction, snaring, poaching of wildlife (especially rhino and the rare and elusive bongo) from without. The fence construction work started in 1989 and completed on 28 August 2009. On 12 March 2010 the fence was formally commissioned by the former President of the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Mwai Kibaki.

Construction of the fence has brought harmony between wildlife and farmers around the Aberdare Conservation Area. The farmers now enjoy peaceful sleep at night without fear of land, crop and house destruction. Over the years, Rhino Ark’s work has evolved towards seeking sustainable, long- term solutions to the conservation challenges facing mountain forest ecosystems, and other areas of important biodiversity under threat.

In December 2010, Rhino Ark announced its formal commitment to supporting conservation of other mountain forest ecosystems. The initial areas of focus are Mount Kenya and Mau Mount Eburu.

For more information on the Rhino Ark Charitable Trust please visit: www.rhinoark.org