Rhino Charge

Why is the location of each Charge event kept secret?

The secrecy of the location is one of the key ingredients of the success of the event building anticipation and the excitement of heading off to the unknown. It also helps keep people from being tempted to look at the site ahead of time diflucan pris. The location is announced only a few days before the event in order to allow for final preparations.

Where is the Rhino Charge held?

The Rhino Charge is held in a different location each year. The venue is carefully selected by the Rhino Charge Design Course Subcommittee based primarily on the type of terrain as well as environmental, logistical and other criteria.

What is the Rhino Charge?

The Rhino Charge is an annual off-road 4×4 competition held in Kenya in which the entrants are required to visit 13 points (Guard Posts) while travelling the shortest possible distance across difficult, trackless terrain, where speed is not a necessity. The event is organised in order to raise funds to support the activities of the Rhino Ark Kenya Charitable Trust.

The event was conceived in 1989 to raise funds for the construction of the Aberdare Electric Fence. Rhino Ark founder Ken Kuhle, Rally Enthusiasts Rob Combes and Brian Haworth mooted the idea of an off-road motorsport event to support the fencing project carried out by the then recently established Rhino Ark Kenya Charitable Trust. The Trust was committed to saving the dwindling Rhino population in the Aberdare National Park, as well as mitigating human-wildlife conflicts around the National Park. 

Local Organising Committee

The local organising committee is made up of the representatives of the Rhino Charge host community. This community changes every year, due to the annual change of the venue. Once a venue is identified by the Rhino Charge organisers (Course Design Sub-Committee) and the host community has agreed to host the Rhino Charge on their land, the members of the host community choose representatives, with whom the Rhino Charge organisers work together closely for the duration of the Rhino Charge preparations (approximately 6-8 months). Without the local organising committee, no Rhino Charge would be possible, as it is their knowledge and support that allows us to hold a successful event, year after year.

Comms & IT sub committee

This sub committee was formed due to the increasing digitalisation and online communication needed to run the Rhino Charge. The members involved deal with the Rhino Charge website, social media, databases and digital registration of competitors, live updates, tracking of cars, the online ticketing portal and much more.